
Маркираторы — игольчатые пистолеты — используются для механического крепления бирок и ярлыков на биркодержатели к различным материалам (мех, кожа, ткань). Игловые пистолеты позволяют в значительной степени сэкономить время и средства, а также представить покупателю информацию о товаре в удобном виде.

Plastic tag holders are connected to the marker from above. The material of the product is pierced with a hollow needle, inside of which there is a small pin. After pulling the trigger, the gun fires, pushing forward the hand tag holder. When pulling the device out of the material, the upper end of the tag holder comes out. As a result, the price tag or label is securely attached to the product.

You can discuss prices, delivery, quantity and other issues with our manager.

Product types

Product models
GP S Marker
GP F Marker
JOLLY S Marker
JOLLY F Marker

To place an order, contact the manager or leave a request

Nadezhda Krivonosova

+7 (911) 490-68-26
+7 (911) 459-05-88
live:.cid.f43e61893f483335 (skype)

    Address of the warehouse and office of "EDINSTVO" LLC

    Moscow, st. Shosse Entuziastov, 56, building 2, floor 4

    Check-in from 1st Vladimirskaya Street, 10B, territory of the "Prozhektor" plant. At the checkpoint, take a car entry pass.